Innovate 13 Times Faster
Brand new agile platform for software companies

Finally, a purpose built agile tool for software developers that can actually help you accelerate your software innovation cycle to become the dominant market leader.

In today’s fast-paced software world, the pressure to build great software is higher than ever. The speed of your software innovation cycle plays a pivotal role in your success.

The successful industry leaders are often those with the fastest software innovation cycle - rapidly collecting valuable feedback, making informed decisions on new product features and delivering high-quality product updates faster than their competitors.

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The Software Innovation Cycle - Speed Yours Up with Essembi
Capture Product Feedback

Capture product feedback from customers, prospects, team members and even competitors.

Feedback is king in the software world. At the end of the day your customers and the market know what they want best.

Go directly to the source, solicit feedback and easily capture that feedback from all key channels directly in Essembi:

  • Customers
  • Prospects
  • Team members
  • Competitors
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Build User Stories and Epics

Transform feedback on your software into actionable user stories and epics.

After capturing feedback, your product team needs the right tools to aggregate, prioritize and categorize the feedback and put together action plans for to incorporate the feedback into your product.

Essembi gives product teams the ability to transform feedback into actionable epics and user stories.

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Update Product Roadmap

Re-prioritize the product roadmap based on real-time feedback.

You need to make sure your team is working on the right things that are going to be the biggest needle movers for your business.

Essembi gives you the tools to easily re-jigger the product roadmap based on real-time product feedback.

  • Visualize the product roadmap using boards
  • Easily view and manage priorities with color-coded cards
  • Move cards around based on new feedback and changing priorities
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Build, Test, Release

Rapidly iterate with agile workflows and sprints to get your product to market, faster.

Once you have prioritized your roadmap you must have the team and processes in place to quickly build, test and release new features.

Essembi gives you the ability to build and customize powerful yet simple agile workflows to manage this process.

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Repeat and dominate

Repeat the entire software innovation cycle. The faster your cycle, the better chance you have of dominating your market.

In today's fast-paced software landscape, the speed of your software innovation landscape helps determines the winners and losers in a market.

Which one are you going to be?

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Essembi's Special Sauce

One platform. For all your teams.

Let all your software teams work together in one platform in a pursuit to build better software, faster.

Typical Disjointed Solution

Software companies often resort to juggling multiple systems to manage their software lifecycle, inadvertently creating data silos that segregate product feedback across channels and limit the ability of the software team to optimize the roadmap and rapidly enhance the product.

Software Landscape at Typical Software Company

Essembi's Solution

When your product management, development, customer support, sales and marketing teams seamlessly collaborate on a single platform, everyone wins - your customers get features faster, your product grows faster and your business scales faster.

Simple Software Landscape with Essembi
Value Out of the Box

One platform. All the features. A fraction of the total cost.

Cost savings out of the box.

Essembi with single system advantage compared to competitors for value out of the box

Eliminate the hidden "complexity tax".

Using multiple systems to manage your software lifecycle also incurs a complexity tax. Essembi eliminates these hidden costs of running multiple systems:

  • Managing the infrastructure for each system.
  • Building and maintaining cumbersome APIs between systems.
  • Completing double entry of information (and then solving errors that arise without a single source of truth.)
  • Training users on multiple user interfaces and workflows.
  • Stitching together reports across systems.
Powerful Out of the Box

All the features to power your entire software lifecycle. Right out of the box.

Ditch your legacy tools. Essembi can handle all the unique needs of your business to help you accelerate your software innovation cycle.

Essembi Development Trackers Product Management Customer Experience Productivity Tools
Goals & OKRs
Customer Feedback
Issue Tracking Dev Only Support Only
Product Roadmap
User Stories
Agile Workflow
CSAT & NPS Tracking
Sales Enablement
Go-To-Market Plan
Competitor Tracking
Teams who will use Essembi

One hub. For your entire software team.

Essembi enables all the teams in your software organization to innovate together to build great products.

  • Product Team

    Provide your product leaders with the strategic tools they need to holistically manage the product roadmap, the team and the budget, all in one platform.

  • Development Team

    Give development leaders the tools they need to successfully manage your pipeline and team and developers a simple platform for daily success.

  • Quality Team

    Build a proactive quality process that becomes a driver of quality and speed rather than a scapegoat and an anchor for your organization.

  • Customer Support Team

    Empower your support team with access to real-time data on where tickets are in the workflow so that they can provide outstanding customer support.

  • Documentation Team

    Make the documentation team part of your standard workflow so that you can maintain your help platform and produce high-quality release notes.

  • Marketing Team

    Give the marketing team the product and feature insights they need to produce engaging product updates for your customers and prospects.

Free forever up to 5 users.

Perfect for start-ups, small teams or simply trying out Essembi.

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