Essembi's startup Program

Accelerate your startup's growth with Essembi.

Essembi is the perfect tool for startup software companies to rapidly build a product and then get feedback from the market to help early stage growth.

Our startup program makes the journey for startups easy and affordable to help you get your product and company off the ground.

Essembi gantt chart, epic and initiative planning, milestones, release management
Essembi product roadmap, sprint plan with release milestones and development backlog including epics
Essembi agile backlog: user stories and defects, sprint planning and velocity tracking
Powerful Out of the Box

All the features to power your entire software lifecycle. Right out of the box.

Ditch your legacy tools. Essembi can handle all the unique needs of your business to help you accelerate your software innovation cycle.

Essembi Development Trackers Product Management Customer Experience Productivity Tools
Goals & OKRs
Customer Feedback
Issue Tracking Dev Only Support Only
Product Roadmap
User Stories
Agile Workflow
CSAT & NPS Tracking
Sales Enablement
Go-To-Market Plan
Competitor Tracking
How it Works

Easy to apply, build and grow.

Apply to be part of our startup program today to unlock discounts on Essembi to help your startup launch and grow.

Under 5 Users

Free to start and begin building your MVP

50% off
First Year Subscription

Once you hit 6+ users in your growth journey

25% off
Second Year Subscription

Continue growing and adding users at a discount


What companies are eligible for the program?

Companies must meet all of following criteria to be eligible for the Essembi startup program.

Check Mark
Early Stage

Up to $1M in funding and less than 3 years old

Check Mark
Small Team

Companies with under 25 employees

Check Mark
New Customer

Not currently a customer of Essembi

Grow with Essembi

Start simple. Easily add features as your startup grows.

Start simple. Easily add features as your startup grows.

Prioritize roadmap initiatives from various sources of ideation based on overall business impact. Track epics and stories that result from roadmap initiatives. Learn More

Innovate Rapidly

Powerful tools to accelerate your innovation cycle.

Essembi helps you organize product feedback from your early users, priorize the product roadmap and rapidly deliver new iterations of your product. All in one system.

We call this cycle the software innovation cycle and, from experience, we think the speed of this cycle is critical for startup success.

The Software Innovation Cycle

Software Innovation Cycle in Essembi
Collect Product Feedback

Product feedback and ideas are collected from multiple sources: customers, prospects, competitors and internal teams.

Optimize Your Roadmap

Prioritize ideas based on expected product, customer and market impact. Then, build your roadmap and release plan accordingly.

Enhance Your Product

Rapidly develop and rollout product enhancements. Complete quality testing of the release. Deploy product updates. And repeat.

Apply for Essembi's startup program

Perfect for startups in the early stage looking to grow fast (and save working capital)!

Apply Now