Project and Task Management Tools to Help Your Team Move Fast

With Essembi, your teams can quickly and seamlessly innovate and iterate, without being held back by outdated tools and processes.

Whether you're working on complex projects or simple prototypes, our tool is designed to streamline your workflow and improve your team's productivity.

  • Task Management

    Organize and prioritize your tasks by creating to-do lists, assigning tasks to team members, setting deadlines, and tracking progress. Keep everything in one place and stay on top of your work.

  • Project Management

    Create and manage projects with ease by breaking them down into smaller, more manageable tasks. Set timelines, milestones, and goals to ensure your project stays on track.

  • Collaboration

    Work together with your team by sharing files and communicating through comments and chat. Keep everyone on the same page and collaborate in real-time.

  • Custom Dashboards

    Create custom dashboards to fit your team's specific needs. Use widgets to track progress, see what's coming up next, and keep an eye on important metrics.

  • Automated Workflows

    Save time and reduce errors by automating repetitive tasks. Use triggers and actions to set up workflows that fit your team's unique needs.

  • Analytics

    Generate insightful reports and analytics to measure your team's performance and identify areas for improvement. Use these insights to optimize your team's workflow and improve your overall productivity.

Build Out Essembi for Free

Begin building out Essembi for your team today for free. Only pay once you are confident fits your business and you start rolling it out to your team.

  • Gantt Charts

    Build visual Gantt charts to track project progress and drill into individual project tasks.

  • Kanban Boards

    Utilize Kanban board views to manage projects and tasks for your development process.

  • Project Costing

    Track and analyze project costs for each team within your development lifecycle.