Corrective Actions

Prioritize and track corrective action projects to improve manufacturing efficiency.

Drive continuous improvement initiatives on the manufacturing floor. Track realized dollar savings and reward the manufacturing team accordingly.

Corrective action dashboard in Essembi
Financial Impact

Track expected and realized savings for each corrective action.

  • Calculate expected savings based on incident cost reports
  • Prioritize projects based on the financial and business impact
  • Track realized savings once the correct action is implemented
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Tracking financial impact of continuous improvement projects for manufacturing teams

Utilize a gantt chart to track the completion timeline for corrective actions.

  • Get a visual overview of where key projects stand for your manufacturing team
  • Quickly toggle start and end dates on projects
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Continuous improvement gantt chart in Essembi

Manage corrective action statuses with workflows.

  • Track the status of all corrective action projects in real-time
  • Assign stages of the workflow to different team members
  • View workflow history of any corrective action project
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Workflows to manage continuous improvement projects in Essembi

Track status of corrective actions with boards.

  • Use boards to manage the status of corrective actions
  • Easily re-prioritize projects based on new issues on the plant floor
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Corrective action board in Essembi

What is OEE and what ROI does it deliver for manufacturers?

Learn more about OEE and understand how improving your OEE metrics impacts your top and bottom line.

What is OEE?

Learn the first principles on how manufacturing OEE is calculated to understand the business benefits.

OEE dashboard for manufacturers

ROI calculator.

Understand the top and bottom line impact of an OEE platform for your business with our ROI calculator.

ROI of OEE platform for manufacturing teams

Manufacturing efficiency starts here.

Schedule a demo to see how Essembi can rapidly help you drive efficiency at your manufacturing business.

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