Data Entry Forms

Essembi's data entry forms enable users to create or modify records in the system. All data entry forms can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business, process or workflow. 

Building and Customizing Data Entry Forms

 To create a new data entry form or customize an existing form, navigate to Settings > Forms. The list of available forms will only show forms your user has access to in the app. You can modify a form by double-clicking the form or by selecting the form and then choosing the "Modify" button.

Form Designer

The form designer has four key elements:

  1. Form Layout Designer: A mockup of the form layout. Objects can be resized, moved or deleted from the layout as needed.
  2. Form Objects: A list of available form objects that can be dragged-and-dropped onto the form layout. 
  3. Save and Undo / Redo
  4. Form Settings: Various settings for the form including:
    • Form Name: Change the name of the form for use throughout the system.
    • Active
    • Default

Form Objects

The form objects that are available to be dragged and dropped onto the form include each field type in the system plus a handful of other options.

  • Collapsible Sections: Creates a page wide section break in a form. The collapsible can be collapsed or un-collapsed by the user on the form. This is useful for hiding less used fields on a form. When building the form, the user can set the title and set if the form is launched with the section collapsed or un-collapsed by default. 
  • Linked Records: Linked records help users establish and understand the connections between different pieces of information, improving overall data organization and accessibility. See the detailed section below for more information on utilizing linked records.
  • Email Inputs: Email inputs are bound to short text fields. They enable users to enter an email address and use an input button to launch an email.
  • Links: Link inputs are bound to short text fields. They enable users to enter a web address and use the link button to launch that link in a new tab in your browser.
  • Rating: The rating object is bound to an integer field. It enables the user to input stars rather than an integer. It saves values in 0.5 star increments based on a 2x rating (e.g., 1 star is an integer value of 2).
  • Paragraph: Create a free text section where you can add instructions or notes onto the form.
  • Record Buttons: The record control buttons for the form (e.g., the save, undo / redo, history buttons). 

Selecting an object in the form designer will show the form object settings in the right-hand toolbar.

The Long-Text Editor on Forms

Essembi's long text object provides a robust solution for capturing and managing detailed information. It offers various features and components to enhance your data organization.

Creating Sections within Long Text

  • Users can create distinct sections within a long text field to organize their content effectively.
  • Utilize the icon located on the left side of the form to manipulate sections: move them up, down, or delete them.

Components Available in Long Text Fields

Essembi's long text field accommodates the following components:

  • Links: Embed hyperlinks to external resources or internal documents.
  • Text: Input regular text content to provide context and explanations.
  • Attachments: Attach files or documents relevant to the content.
  • Checklist: Create to-do lists or task trackers for easy itemization.
  • Code: Insert code snippets or programming instructions with proper formatting.
  • Delimiter: Use delimiters to visually separate sections of content.
  • Heading: Introduce structured headings to divide content into meaningful segments.
  • Image: Embed images to illustrate points or enhance understanding.
  • List: Create bulleted or numbered lists for itemized information.
  • Table: Construct tables to present data in a tabular format.

Text Formatting

Users can format text within the long text field using various styles:

  • Bold: Highlight text and make it bold for emphasis.
  • Italics: Apply italics to text to indicate special terms or titles.
  • Underline: Underline text for added visibility.

Dynamic Field Expansion

As users input more data into the long text field, it dynamically expands to accommodate the growing content. This ensures that your information is presented comprehensively and in an organized manner.

Essembi's long text object is designed to empower users in capturing, structuring, and presenting detailed information efficiently. Use its features to enhance your data management and communication within your projects.


Typing "* " into a long text field triggers an unordered list, and "1." triggers an ordered list. This only happens if these are the first two characters typed into a Paragraph type block. 

Linked Records on Forms

Linked records help users establish and understand the connections between different pieces of information, improving overall data organization and accessibility. The linked record section can be added to forms. The linked record section will contain two areas:

  1. Linked Records: This section shows the records that are directly linked to this record.
  2. References to this Record: The "References to this Record" section displays each table that has a linked table field pointing back to the current record. From here it is possible to edit the existing records or add new ones. When a new record is added from here, the reference field automatically populated for every new record created from that window.

Types of Linked Records

  • Parent / Child: This relationship signifies a hierarchical connection where one record is the parent, and another is its child. The parent record typically contains overarching information, while the child record holds details or sub-components related to the parent. (For example, in a project management system, a project may be the parent record, and its tasks are child records.)
  • Predecessor / Successor: This relationship indicates a chronological or sequential order between two records. A predecessor is a record that comes before another, while a successor is the record that follows it. (For example, in a task management application, Task A might be the predecessor to Task B if Task B depends on the completion of Task A.)
  • Duplicate / Duplicate Of: This relationship is used when two records contain similar or identical information. One record is considered the duplicate, while the other is designated as the original or "duplicate of." (For example, in a database of customer information, a duplicate record may be created by mistake, and the original record is identified as the "duplicate of.")
  • Related: This is a generic relationship used when two records have some form of connection, but it doesn't fit into one of the more specific categories. It's a flexible link that can be used for various associations between records.

Creating or Modifying Linked Records

Users can create a new linked record by selecting the create button at the top.

Hovering over linked records within a form enables an edit button so the user can edit the properties of the linked record or delete the linkage.

Left-clicking on the link opens the selected record in a modal window. Middle-clicking opens the record in a new browser tab.

Only relationship where the user has "Enter Data" security access will appear in the list of linked records. The system will show users without access how many items are available that they do not have access to.

Gantt Chart Dependencies

All Gantt Chart view dependencies are stored as predecessor / successor linked records. These are automatically displayed in the linked records sections.

Buttons on Forms

  • Save: Saves the selected record. The option has a drop down button to the right that enables other save options:
    • Save & Create New: Saves the record and opens a new input window for the same record form.
    • Save a Copy: Create a new, duplicate copy of this record. This option does increment counters in the system to prevent duplicate record numbers.
    • Save & Close: Saves the record and closes the modal window.
  • Undo / Redo: Only active when changes have been made to the record in the current session.
  • History: Enabled when a record is an existing record, not a new record. When clicked, it launches a window that shows the original created date of the record as well as all changes since the record was created. 
  • Next / Previous: Toggle between records in the view set. Next / previous is disabled if a new browser tab is opened with the record because the system cannot access the list in the other tab. 

Conflict Resolution

Multiple users can access the same record at simultaneously. If multiple users have accessed the same record, the system will merge saves together. This means that if one user changes the category field and another user changes the status field, both the changes will take effect.

The only instance where the last past the post still wins is when two users concurrently change the same field.

Audit Trails for Created or Modified Data

All changes made to a record via a form are tracked, creating an audit trail that aids in monitoring data modifications over time. These changes can be viewed by selecting the "History" button on any form. The form will also show the user who created the record and a date / time stamp with time the record was first saved.

Reverting Changes

To revert a change made to a record, select the specific change you would like to revert and then select the "Revert" button. The record change will be reverted.

Note that the mod log will simply show the reversion. This does not clear the history.

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