New Integration: Microsoft Teams

Essembi's Microsoft Teams integration allows for the quick creation of tickets in Essembi directly from a Teams chat or channel.

It is now possible, with this integration, to pull up a Create Ticket in Essembi form on all Microsoft Teams apps and interfaces. Existing messages can have their contents easily converted into a ticket. It is possible, when creating a ticket, to also fill in categorical information such as: Priority, Status and Type. Want to see other fields in this list? Great! It's customizable on an organization-by-organization basis. You can even choose to expose a different table, like Epics or Ideas, instead of Tickets.

Once a ticket is created, the user is given the option to easily share a link to the ticket with others in the chat or channel. This allows others to jump into Essembi and collaborate on flushing out the ticket with further details.

Create backlog ticket from Microsoft Teams

Why did we choose to integrate with Teams?

The two main players in this collaborative chat/channels space are Teams and Slack. We have been working on both integrations, Teams just happened to wrap up first! Not-coincidentally, we happen to be Teams users ourselves, and we do like to dogfood our products.

We have decided to integrate with these products because, for many teams including the Essembi team, this is where much of business is discussed and done. It is very common for people to have discussions about new features, competitors and potential defects on these platforms. We believe that shortening the commute to get these discussions directly documented in tickets will be a huge benefit for our customers.

Ticket entry with agile workflows in Microsoft Teams group chat

What platforms does this apply to?

Our Teams integration applies to all of its official platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. We have also tested the integration on the web-based version of Teams ( which should work on any device with a modern, standards-compliant web browser.

Launch shareable ticket link for collaboration

Great! How do I start?

First off, you have to have an Essembi account. If you don't have one, it's free to sign up.

Once you have an account, see our documentation for more information on how to get started using the integration.

We are currently launching several other integrations with other popular apps and platforms like GitHub and Figma. We also have APIs capable of CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) of every table/field in Essembi, which can be used with Zapier and other tools to easily roll your own custom integrations.

If you have another specific integration you would like to see in Essembi's official library, let us know in the chat below!

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